Monika is from the Czech Republic and spent a semester at the University of Maribor. She has many kind words for the hospitality of Slovenes and for the lunch coupon system used by Slovenian students. She points out some of the funny differences between Czech and Slovene and explains how it's possible to make a sculpture out of bread!
On Sunday, the 61st Munich Security Conference wrapped up. It was obvious that the US and Europe were at odds on many issues, especially about security and ending the war in Ukraine.
V četrtek, 27. februarja, ekskluzivno na našem odru V ŽIVO! Nastopila bo ljubljanska zasedba BURŽUAZIJA, ki nam je s svojima aktualnima skladbama Hint in Paris zlezla pod kožo. Preplet disca, popa in rocka – BURŽUAZIJA!
Will Turkey be an ideal host for peace talks on Ukraine? / Standby duty now counted as working time / 19 out of the 21 injured in Toronto plane crash released from hospital / Road under the Solkan flyover expected to be closed for another 3 weeks
Putin begrüßt Annäherung an USA // Pirc Musar mit Ehrendoktorwürde geehrt
How well do foreign visitors know Slovenia? In today's show Lidija and Korab are in the coastal city of Koper with a fun group of five ladies from Scotland. Find out how much they know about Slovenia. Do you feel Slovenia?
Dobrodošli v Second Hand. Danes si bomo ogledali ozadje sveže uspešnice od DJja PAWSA, "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)". Priznani DJ in producent je izdal težko pričakovano "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)", le nekaj tednov po izdaji "Collect The Commas", še ene nestrpno pričakovane pesmi s strani DJ-jev. PAWSA prihaja iz Londona, specializiran je za tech house, znan po številnih uspešnicah na lestvicah, mednarodnih turnejah in kot soustanovitelj založbe Solid Grooves Records. Kar dela PAWSA posebnega, je njegova sposobnost združitve prvotne energije house glasbe z modernimi produkcijskimi tehnikami. Rezultat so pesmi, ki povezujejo preteklost in sedanjost. Pesem, kot ste verjetno opazili, je priredba kultne skladbe iz 90-ih. »Dirty Cash (Money Talks)« britanske house skupine Adventures of Stevie V je prvič izšla decembra 1989 in ponovno leta 1990, ko je dosegla drugo mesto britanske lestvice singlov in vrh številnih drugih lestvic. Adventures of Stevie V so v poznih 1980-ih in zgodnjih 1990-ih imeli več hitov na UK Singles lestvici in US Hot Dance Music/Club Play lestvici, "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)" je bila njihova največja uspešnica z nadaljnjima dvema singloma, ki sta dosegla lestvice – "Body Language" in "Jealousy" ter kasneje "Push 2 the Limit" in "Paradise". Omenimo le, da njihova velika avtorska uspešnica "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)" za bobnarske takte tudi uporablja sample, in sicer iz pesmi That's How I'm Living Tonyja Scotta. Pesem "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)" skupine Adventures of Stevie V je bila semplana, remiksirana ali prirejena v več kot 25 uspešnih kasnejših pesmih, nedavno pa s strani PAWSA.
In 1473, Polish scientist and founder of modern astronomy Nikolaj Kopernik is born. In 1660, the German doctor Friedrich Hoffmann is born.