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RADIO Si EXCLUSIVE Učinkovito ravnanje z energijo ...tudi z rolanjem

Kaj imajo skupnega rolerji in učinkovito ravnanje z energijo? …Rajka Dolinška, ki pravi da je zelo pomembna lastna, osebna učinkovita uporaba energije. Nekoliko podrobneje Rajka Dolinška, ki se uspešno tudi profesionalno ukvarja z učinkovitim ravnanjem z energijo, predstavljamo v Radio Si Exclusive.

Spotlight Spain to impose 100% tax for non-EU resident properties

Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez announced 12 measures to improve access to housing in the country. The government plans to limit the purchase of homes by non-resident foreigners from outside the EU by increasing the tax burden up to 100%.

Radio Si Main StageZdaj pa na kepanje,... 30. januarja smo nazaj!

Sezona 2024 je končana. Hvala da ste z nami ... 30. januarja smo nazaj!

News English at 19:00

Hamas releases hostages as ceasefire begins / Chemnitz opens its European Capital of Culture year / Tiktok stops working in the US

News Deutsch Um 18.00 Uhr

Israel und Hamas beschliessen Waffemruhe * Norweger dominieren in Wengen

Back to school OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča - Ring

OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča, Ljubljana - Ring Back to School is recorded at schools across the country. A fun-filled interactive radio show which takes you back to school! See the world through children’s eyes and win fabulous Radio Si prizes! If you would like to take part in the show and have Radio Si come visit your English class, please send us an email at

Fresh Cut Wes Nelson – Yellow

Wes Nelson, znan po svojem meteorskem vzponu, je prava glasbena senzacija.

Your home of music

My life, my music Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison


There are occasions when I realise how well off I am and how I can be inspired by others who may be less so. Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison is a remarkable person and has achieved what many people would consider impossible. She has become part of the United Kingdom’s diplomatic service and is currently serving as Britain’s Ambassador to Slovenia. Why am I so impressed? Because she is totally blind. I have been fortunate enough to spend some time with her and she kindly agreed to record this conversation. It is clear from the start that she is totally dedicated to the task, has considerable experience and is straight-talking and very confident. She is also good at languages, yes she speaks fluent Slovene.

Radio Si Offstage PETER ANDREJ 18.12.2024


Gost v tokratni oddaji OFFSTAGE je Peter Andrej, kantavtor, pesnik in producent, ki je v svoji karieri ustvaril zanimivo paleto glasbe in poezije. Vabljeni k poslušanju in delitvi! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross


Koncert v sklopu RadioSi MainStage je tokrat prinesel novo izjemno glasbeno doživetje z nastopom dolenjskih glasbenikov Lamai in Bort Rossa. V polurnem koncertu sta občinstvo razvajala s tenkočutnim prepletom svojih avtorskih skladb, ki nosijo globoko čustveno noto. Skladbe kot so Spet te slišim, Moja jutra, Ko čutim te jaz in aktualna Ampak midva sva svobodna prepletajo intimo, emocije in svobodomiselnost, kar je ustvarilo prijetno vzdušje vredno poslušanja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - koncert (video)


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

Radio Si Offstage Einschlog


V OFFSTAGE tokrat gostimo pomurski heavy rock/metal trio EINSCHLOG. Vabljeni k poslušanju in deljenju vsebine! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorjev.

RADIO Si Main Stage Žan Videc - koncert


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Žan Videc - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Žan Videc


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Društvo mrtvih pesnikov


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Društvo mrtvih pesnikov - koncert


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.


Slovenia has a new political party called Fokus

The current president of the National Council, Marko Lotrič, will head the new party, which will hold a centre-right position in Slovenia's political spectrum.

Nationalratspräsident Lotrič gründet Partei "Fokus"

Parteichef Lotrič spricht von einer modernen, mutigen und ambitionierten Partei.

Fake-Posts über Premier Golob auf Facebook

Das Presseamt warnt vor gesponserten falschen Beiträgen über Premierminister Golob.

Sloweniens Außenministerin Fajon zu Besuch in Kiew

Sloweniens Außenministerin Tanja Fajon weilte heute zu einem unangekündigten Besuch in Kiew, wo sie auf Einladung ihres ukrainischen Amtskollegen Andrij Sibiga am Ministertreffen Ukraine – Südosteuropa teilgenommen hat.

FM Fajon pays unannounced visit to Kyiv

FM Tanja Fajon has attended the Ukraine-SE Europe ministerial in Kyiv today.

Auftaktsieg für Sloweniens Handballer

Slowenien besiegte im ersten Spiel in Zagreb seinen Herausforderer Kuba haushoch.

Air traffic up at Ljubljana airport in 2024

The airport got a slight bump in 2024 as new carriers arrived.

Handball-WM: Slowenien heute gegen Kuba

Die Slowenen spielen die Gruppenphase in Zagreb

Police Commissioner Senad Jušić steps down

Police Commissioner Senad Jušić offered his resignation to the Interior Minister today. Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar has already accepted it.

Slovenes consume double the amount of recommended salt

Just a minority of Slovenes consume less than the suggested amount of salt.

14,500 less illegal border-crossings in Slovenia in 2024

Slovenian police reported handling 46,192 illegal border crossings in 2024. It's a decrease of nearly 14,500 compared to the year before.

On this day

20 January

In 1885 L. A. Thompson patents the toboggan. In 1920 Italian film director Federico Fellini is born. In 1945 on the liberated territory of Cerkno the first partisan ski races were organised.


News English at 19:00

Hamas releases hostages as ceasefire begins / Chemnitz opens its European Capital of Culture year / Tiktok stops working in the US

News Deutsch Um 18.00 Uhr

Israel und Hamas beschliessen Waffemruhe * Norweger dominieren in Wengen

RADIO Si EXCLUSIVE Učinkovito ravnanje z energijo ...tudi z rolanjem

Kaj imajo skupnega rolerji in učinkovito ravnanje z energijo? …Rajka Dolinška, ki pravi da je zelo pomembna lastna, osebna učinkovita uporaba energije. Nekoliko podrobneje Rajka Dolinška, ki se uspešno tudi profesionalno ukvarja z učinkovitim ravnanjem z energijo, predstavljamo v Radio Si Exclusive.

News English at 19:00

Slovenia has a new political party called Fokus / Fake posts about PM Golob / Good results for Slovenia's ski jumpers and skiers

News Deutsch um 18:00

Nationalratspräident Lotrič gründet neue Partei // Chemnitz eröffnet Kulturhauptstadtjahr

News English at 13:00

Gaza ceasefire to begin on Sunday morning after Israel approves deal // Opposition temporarily blocks City Hall in Serbia's Novi Sad

News Deutsch um 12:00

Nationalratspräsident gründet Partei // Ema Klinec beste Springerin in Sapporo

News English at 9:00

Israel's cabinet approves Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal // President-elect Trump's inaugural address to take place indoors due to cold weather

News Deutsch um 18.00

Sloweniens Außenministerin Fajon zu Besuch in Kiew // Interpellation gegen Innenminister Poklukar am Dienstag

News English at 19:00

FM Fajon pays unannounced visit to Ukraine's Kyiv // TikTok faces ban in US by Sunday after Supreme Court rejects appeal

Spotlight Spain to impose 100% tax for non-EU resident properties

Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez announced 12 measures to improve access to housing in the country. The government plans to limit the purchase of homes by non-resident foreigners from outside the EU by increasing the tax burden up to 100%.

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