Anzhelika says two things Slovenians take for granted are clean drinking water and safety. Anzhelika is from Ukraine and has a background in international relations. But we found her at the Museum of National Liberation in Maribor where she helps out organizing international projects and exhibitions. As a matter of fact, she was also married inside the museum. Of course, to a Slovenian ;) Anzhelika's music choice: Tina Karol - "Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю / Good Evening To You, Mr. Host". You can listen to the full song here: You can also join us on Facebook
Auch Slowenien ist bei der Entwicklung der KI erfolgreich.
V četrtek, 6. februarja – ekskluzivno na našem odru V ŽIVO! - zasedba DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV – Edinstvena moč glasbe in sporočilnosti, bosanski energični glasbeni kombo s primesmi dub-a, ska-punka, reggae-a in rock-a z elektronskimi elementi – DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV!
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VIZ II. OŠ Rogaška Slatina - Deodorant Back to School is recorded at schools across the country. A fun-filled interactive radio show which takes you back to school! See the world through children’s eyes and win fabulous Radio Si prizes! If you would like to take part in the show and have Radio Si come visit your English class, please send us an email at
Victor Ray, vzhajajoči ugandski R&B in soul glasbenik, ki je odraščal v Angliji, je svoje glasbeno potovanje začel že v srednji šoli.