Emma is from Italy, and she is spending a semester at the Faculty of Social Sciences - University of Ljubljana. She enjoys student life in Ljubljana very much and emphasizes never to go by stereotypes when thinking about places one has not been to before. Emma chose to play the song "Mida" by the band Quercia.
Evropska prestolnica kulture v Novi Gorici in Gorici jutri – na slovenski kulturni praznik – uradno odpira svoja vrata. Uvodna slovesnost bo na obeh straneh meje potekala kar 14 ur, nastopilo bo več kot 2000 ljudi. FOTO: GO! 2025
V četrtek, 6. februarja – ekskluzivno na našem odru V ŽIVO! - zasedba DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV – Edinstvena moč glasbe in sporočilnosti, bosanski energični glasbeni kombo s primesmi dub-a, ska-punka, reggae-a in rock-a z elektronskimi elementi – DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV!
- Baltic states cut Russian electricity ties - President Pirc Musar awarded Italy's highest state honor - Slovenian protesters back Serbian students
Kulturhauptstadt Nova Gorica - Gorizia eröffnet // 200.000 bei Demo gegen Rechts in München
OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča, Ljubljana - Discipline Back to School is recorded at schools across the country. A fun-filled interactive radio show which takes you back to school! See the world through children’s eyes and win fabulous Radio Si prizes! If you would like to take part in the show and have Radio Si come visit your English class, please send us an email at pr@radiosi.eu
Priljubljena angleška pevka Mabel je v sodelovanju z ganskim zvezdnikom Kingom Promiseom izdala novi singel All Over You.
In 1587 Mary Queen of Scots is beheaded as a result of involvement in a conspiracy planned by the English Roman Catholic nobility, who wanted to kill Queen Elizabeth I.