Lola is from the UK. She's into history and arts and is spending a semester at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana. Lola is also big into music and film, and already completed a couple of short films while residing in Ljubljana;) She's also part of a band called Beltane Dew! Lola chose to play the song "Oh My Lover" by Beltane Dew.
On Monday, the US got its 47th president. Donald Trump, 78, was sworn in for the second time. His inauguration was moved indoors to the Capitol Rotunda due to freezing temperatures — the first time that has happened in 40 years. In his address to the nation, Trump promised a new ''golden age'' for America and signed a blitz of executive orders from behind his desk in the Oval Office.
V četrtek, 30. januarja dopoldan – ekskluzivno na našem odru – V ŽIVO! .. zasedba GENERATOR – fuzija elektroakustičnega pop-rocka, funka, reggaea in jazza – GENERATOR na Radiu Si!
Third miner confirmed dead after coal mine accident Interior Minister Poklukar survives motion of no confidence Handball: Slovenia secure win over Argentina in Zagreb
Grubenunglück: auch dritter Bergmann tot geborgen // Handball-WM: Slowenien besiegt Argentinien
Varovanje gozdov ima na Kočevskem dolgo tradicijo. Prav zaradi tega se je na območju ohranilo več pragozdov in številne živalske vrste, gozdnata pokrajina pa pozitivno vpliva tudi na zdravje in počutje prebivalcev. FOTO: Marjan Artnak
Desetega januarja je legendarni član The Beatles Ringo Starr izdal svoj že enaindvajseti studijski album z naslovom Look Up.
In 1646 the French architect Jules Hardouin Mansart is born. He became the superindent of all royal buildings and that included the Palace of Versailles. The mansard was designed and named after him.