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Study abroad Matilde sees Slovenians as a very civilized nation for non-littering

Matilde Liz von Hafe Magalhães Vieira, a 21-year old Erasmus student from Portugal, came to Ljubljana to study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. She said she really wanted to have the experience of Slovenia's high mountains. But the main reason she chose to come to Slovenia, was that it's really central, so she's done a lot of travelling, while staying here. She was also really happy to have a chance to play soccer again. Through her eyes, Slovenians just like Portuguese make a huge effort in welcoming foreigners. Plus, she was surprised to see that Slovenians are also very civilized, as there is no litter on the ground. Matilde chose to play the song Happiness by one of her favourite bands 1975.

Izluščeno Zveza potrošnikov Slovenije načrtuje skupinski nakup toplotnih črpalk

Na Zvezi potrošnikov Slovenije so v tem tednu začeli osmi skupinski nakup, tokrat kakovostnih ogrevalnih toplotnih črpalk zrak/voda. Potrošnikom ponujajo možnost nakupa naprav, ki so bile dobro ocenjene na neodvisnem mednarodnem primerjalnem testu potrošniških organizacij. Več informacij o skupinskem nakupu toplotnih črpalk v tokratnem Izluščeno.

Radio Si Main StageZdaj pa na kepanje,... 30. januarja smo nazaj!

Sezona 2024 je končana. Hvala da ste z nami ... 30. januarja smo nazaj!

News English at 13:00

* Baltic leaders discuss undersea pipeline and cable security * Norway on track to be first to go all-electric * Los Angeles residents are bracing for further destruction * 14,500 less illegal border-crossings in Slovenia in 2024

News Deutsch um 12:00

LA: Brände lodern unvermindert weiter // Frontext verzeichnet weniger irreguläre Grenzüberritte

Back to school OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča - Ring

OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča, Ljubljana - Ring Back to School is recorded at schools across the country. A fun-filled interactive radio show which takes you back to school! See the world through children’s eyes and win fabulous Radio Si prizes! If you would like to take part in the show and have Radio Si come visit your English class, please send us an email at

Fresh Cut Alessi Rose – Start All Over

Alt pop senzacija Alessi Rose začenja letošnje leto z ljubezensko pesmijo Start All Over.

Your home of music

RADIO Si Main Stage Koala Voice


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Mi2


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Emkej



My life, my music Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison


There are occasions when I realise how well off I am and how I can be inspired by others who may be less so. Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison is a remarkable person and has achieved what many people would consider impossible. She has become part of the United Kingdom’s diplomatic service and is currently serving as Britain’s Ambassador to Slovenia. Why am I so impressed? Because she is totally blind. I have been fortunate enough to spend some time with her and she kindly agreed to record this conversation. It is clear from the start that she is totally dedicated to the task, has considerable experience and is straight-talking and very confident. She is also good at languages, yes she speaks fluent Slovene.

Radio Si Offstage PETER ANDREJ 18.12.2024


Gost v tokratni oddaji OFFSTAGE je Peter Andrej, kantavtor, pesnik in producent, ki je v svoji karieri ustvaril zanimivo paleto glasbe in poezije. Vabljeni k poslušanju in delitvi! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross


Koncert v sklopu RadioSi MainStage je tokrat prinesel novo izjemno glasbeno doživetje z nastopom dolenjskih glasbenikov Lamai in Bort Rossa. V polurnem koncertu sta občinstvo razvajala s tenkočutnim prepletom svojih avtorskih skladb, ki nosijo globoko čustveno noto. Skladbe kot so Spet te slišim, Moja jutra, Ko čutim te jaz in aktualna Ampak midva sva svobodna prepletajo intimo, emocije in svobodomiselnost, kar je ustvarilo prijetno vzdušje vredno poslušanja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - koncert (video)


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

Radio Si Offstage Einschlog


V OFFSTAGE tokrat gostimo pomurski heavy rock/metal trio EINSCHLOG. Vabljeni k poslušanju in deljenju vsebine! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorjev.

RADIO Si Main Stage Žan Videc - koncert


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Žan Videc - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.


14,500 less illegal border-crossings in Slovenia in 2024

Slovenian police reported handling 46,192 illegal border crossings in 2024. It's a decrease of nearly 14,500 compared to the year before.

Roglič's zweite Jagd auf das Rosa Trikot

Die 14. Etappe führt in die Kulturhauptstädte Nova Gorica und Gorizia.

antisemitische Graffiti auf Synagoge in Maribor

Die Regierung verurteilte die Tat, die Suche nach den unbekannten Tätern läuft.

Pirc Musar gratuliert Milanović zu seiner Wiederwahl

Die Präsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar hat dem kroatischen Präsidenten Zoran Milanović bereits zu seiner Wiederwahl gratuliert.

Golovec Observatory to get new telescope

The new telescope is the biggest in the country.

Slovenia Takes Over Presidency of Renewable Energy Agency

The 15th session of the agency is taking place today and tomorrow in Abu Dhabi. More than 3,000 people are taking part in the assembly. The agency was formed in January 2009 and has 170 members.

Two Slovenians in Action at Australian Open

Veronika Erjavec, the highest ranked Slovenian on the WTA Tour, lost her 1st round match to Dutch player Suzan Lemens earlier today in straight sets. It was her first time making the main draw at one of the year's four major tournaments.

Slowenien ESA

Slowenien kooperiert mit ESA seit 2009.

Slovenia celebrates ESA membership

Two events will commemorate Slovenia joining the European Space Agency.

Slowenien feiert die Vollmitgliedschaft in der ESA

Slowenien kooperiert mit der ESA bereits seit 2009.

Rettungsgasse: höhere Bußgelder drohen

Wer eine Rettungsgasse blockiert, muss künftig mit 500 € Bußgeld rechnen.

On this day

14 January

In 1235 Sava Nemanjić, whose translations of ecclesiastical literature into the Serbian language paved the way for development of the Serbian literary language, dies.


RADIO Si Main Stage Koala Voice

Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Mi2

Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Emkej


News Deutsch um 12:00

LA: Brände lodern unvermindert weiter // Frontext verzeichnet weniger irreguläre Grenzüberritte

News English at 13:00

* Baltic leaders discuss undersea pipeline and cable security * Norway on track to be first to go all-electric * Los Angeles residents are bracing for further destruction * 14,500 less illegal border-crossings in Slovenia in 2024

Izluščeno Zveza potrošnikov Slovenije načrtuje skupinski nakup toplotnih črpalk

Na Zvezi potrošnikov Slovenije so v tem tednu začeli osmi skupinski nakup, tokrat kakovostnih ogrevalnih toplotnih črpalk zrak/voda. Potrošnikom ponujajo možnost nakupa naprav, ki so bile dobro ocenjene na neodvisnem mednarodnem primerjalnem testu potrošniških organizacij. Več informacij o skupinskem nakupu toplotnih črpalk v tokratnem Izluščeno.

Im Fokus Slowenien ist Vollmitglied der ESA

Die Vollmitgliedschaft bringt nach 17 Jahren der Zusammenarbeit weitere Chancen für Sloweniens Wirtschaft und Forschung.

News Deutsch um 10:00

Waffenruhe in Gaza nahe // Start der Handball-WM der Herren

News English at 8:00

* Maribor Synagogue desecrated again with antisemitic graffiti * Croatian PM Andrej Plenković will not attend the inauguration of the re-elected president Zoran Milanović * Los Angeles braces for dangerously-high winds as fires continue to burn

The Sweet Spot SWEET SPOT 13.1.

This week in The Sweet Spot Captain Soul presents the episode »Universe is our home, Earth is our house« and plays hi energy rocknroll and disco with new sounds by Primal Scream, MC5, The Limiñanas, Fantastic Negrito, Wunderhorse and few others. Tune into the Sweet Spot this Monday and Wednesday at 9 pm on Radio Si and feel the sweet sounds of the now.

News English at 19:00

Pyrotechnics legislation to be tightened Croatian president re-elected in landslide victory National Council president launching new party this week

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