In 1885 L. A. Thompson patents the toboggan.
In 1920 Italian film director Federico Fellini is born.
In 1945 on the liberated territory of Cerkno the first partisan ski races were organised.
In 1980 Slovene alpine skier Bojan Križaj achieved the first Slovenian World Cup victory in Wengen, Switzerland.
In 1990 in Belgrade the 14th extraordinary Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia begins. Due to disagreement over the democratic transformation of the organisation, the Slovenian representatives walked out in protest. This was the reason for the dissolution of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia.
In 1992 the film actress Audrey Hepburn, who is of Belgian descent, dies.
In 1999 the Chinese press agency China News Service announces that the government has banned the use of the Internet.
In 2009 Barack Obama is elected President, making him the first African-American President of the United States. In 2013 Obama is reelected again.
1966 - The Spencer Davis Group is at the top of the British singles chart with 'Keep on Running'.
1985 - the group Foreigner is No. 1 on the British charts with 'I Want to Know What Love Is'.
2002 - George Harrison had the posthumous UK No. 1 single with the re-release of the 1971 'My Sweet Lord'.
2012 - Etta James, most often remembered for her 'At Last', dies at the age of 73.
1943 - singer Rick Evans ('In the year 2525').
1950 - Paul Stanley, singer in the group Kiss (1974 'On And On').
1965 - Heather Small, singer in the group M People (1993 'Moving On Up').
Leta 1885 je L. A. Thompson patentiral tobogan.
Leta 1920 se je rodil italijanski filmski režiser Federico Fellini.
Leta 1945 so na osvobojenem ozemlju v Cerknem pripravili prve partizanske smučarske tekme.
Leta 1980 je Bojan Križaj na slalomu v Wengnu dosegel prvo zmago za slovensko smučanje v svetovnem pokalu.
Leta 1990 se je v Beogradu začel izredni kongres Zveze komunistov Jugoslavije, ki so ga zaradi nestrinjanja z demokratično preobrazbo organizacije slovenski predstavniki predčasno zapustili. To je bil povod za razpad Zveze komunistov Jugoslavije.
Leta 1990 je Mateja Svet zmagala na veleslalomu za svetovni pokal v Mariboru.
Leta 1992 je umrla igralka Audrey Hepburn.
Leta 1999 je kitajska tiskovna agencija China News Service objavila, da je vlada prepovedala uporabo interneta.
Leta 2009 je Barack Obama postal prvi temnopolti predsednik ZDA. Leta 2013 pa je na današnji dan začel svoj drugi mandat.
1966 - The Spencer Davis Group je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Keep On Running'.
1985 - skupina Foreigner je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'I Want To Know What Love Is'.
2002 - George Harrison se po smrti ponovno uvrsti na vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo iz leta 1971 'My Sweet Lord'.
2012 - umrla je Etta James, mojstrica blues-a, R&B-a, soula, rock and roll-a, jazza in gospel-a, najbolj znana po pesmi 'At Last'.
1943 - pevec Rick Evans ('In the year 2525').
1950 - Paul Stanley, pevec skupine Kiss (1974 'On And On').
1965 - Heather Small, pevka v skupini M People (1993 'Moving On Up').