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RADIO Si EXCLUSIVE Trboveljčan Mitja Duh izstopil iz peklenskega kroga odvisnosti

Trboveljčan Mitja Duh je ozdravljeni odvisnik od trdih drog, ki ponovno hodi po svetu z dvignjeno glavo, po 16 letih narkomanske omame, zaporne kazni na Dobu in psihoze, se je namreč vrnil v življenje. Mitja Duh je svoj izstop iz peklenskega kroga odvisnosti opisal tudi v dveh avtobiografijah, tokrat bo naš gost v Exclusive.

Spotlight Information Days 2025

High schools and faculties around the country held their annual open doors days for future students. In the next school year Slovenia's high school will have 26.008 openings. Meanwhile, Slovenia's universities will accept 20.442 new students, while other higher education institutions will have around 12.000 available spots. Photo: BoBo

Radio Si Main Stage27. februarja, zasedba Buržuazija!

V četrtek, 27. februarja, ekskluzivno na našem odru V ŽIVO! Nastopila bo ljubljanska zasedba BURŽUAZIJA, ki nam je s svojima aktualnima skladbama Hint in Paris zlezla pod kožo. Preplet disca, popa in rocka – BURŽUAZIJA!

News English at 19:00

President Pirc Musar criticizes emergency EU meeting / Mountain Film Festival opens in Ljubljana / Winter holidays begin for eastern Slovenia

News Deutsch um 18:00

EU-Sondertreffen bei Macron // Festival der Bergfilme startet in Ljubljana

Back to school OŠ Podbočje - Blanket

OŠ Podbočje - Blanket Back to School is recorded at schools across the country. A fun-filled interactive radio show which takes you back to school! See the world through children’s eyes and win fabulous Radio Si prizes! If you would like to take part in the show and have Radio Si come visit your English class, please send us an email at

Fresh Cut Moonchild Sanelly – Falling

Moonchild Sanelly je skozi svojo kariero z edinstvenimi albumi in glasbenimi sodelovanji postala prava kultna figura glasbene industrije.

Your home of music

RADIO Si Main Stage Dubioza Kolektiv


Pred začetkom evropske turneje so se na MainStage-u Radia Si ustavili razigrani balkanski pridigarji iz Sarajeva – Dubioza Kolektiv. Kot smo pričakovali, nas je čakal energičen nastop, prežet z edinstveno noto bosanske satire, zavite v glasbeno fuzijo duba, ska-punka, reggaea in rocka s pridihom folka. Fantje, še vedno polni zbadljive kritične pozitive, so v dobre pol ure strnili pregled svoje diskografije. Tako nismo ostali brez uspešnic, kot so Volio Bih, Može Li?, Kažu, Blam, vse do aktualnega singla Balkan Boys. Absolutno vredno ponovnega posluha!

RADIO Si Main Stage Dubioza Kolektiv - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Generator


Po krajšem zimskem premoru smo letošnjo sezono koncertov na Radio Si MainStage odprli z izjemnimi glasbeniki, združenimi v zasedbi Generator. Izjemno uigran kolektiv pod idejnim vodstvom pevke Anine Trobec in klaviaturista Joeja Wheba je navdušil z živo izvedbo svojih skladb, nastalih od ustanovitve skupine leta 2018. Tako smo lahko slišali njihove zgodnje skladbe, kot so *Open Eyes*, *Frame Bend* in *Suddenly*, pa vse do novejših, kot je *Out of Space*, ter seveda nezgrešljivo tenkočutno klasiko *Sonce*. Skratka, preplet funka, reggaea in jazza s pridihom blage psihadelike. Prisluhnite!

RADIO Si Main Stage Generator - koncert


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Generator - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

My life, my music Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison


There are occasions when I realise how well off I am and how I can be inspired by others who may be less so. Her Excellency, Ambassador Harrison is a remarkable person and has achieved what many people would consider impossible. She has become part of the United Kingdom’s diplomatic service and is currently serving as Britain’s Ambassador to Slovenia. Why am I so impressed? Because she is totally blind. I have been fortunate enough to spend some time with her and she kindly agreed to record this conversation. It is clear from the start that she is totally dedicated to the task, has considerable experience and is straight-talking and very confident. She is also good at languages, yes she speaks fluent Slovene.

Radio Si Offstage PETER ANDREJ 18.12.2024


Gost v tokratni oddaji OFFSTAGE je Peter Andrej, kantavtor, pesnik in producent, ki je v svoji karieri ustvaril zanimivo paleto glasbe in poezije. Vabljeni k poslušanju in delitvi! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross


Koncert v sklopu RadioSi MainStage je tokrat prinesel novo izjemno glasbeno doživetje z nastopom dolenjskih glasbenikov Lamai in Bort Rossa. V polurnem koncertu sta občinstvo razvajala s tenkočutnim prepletom svojih avtorskih skladb, ki nosijo globoko čustveno noto. Skladbe kot so Spet te slišim, Moja jutra, Ko čutim te jaz in aktualna Ampak midva sva svobodna prepletajo intimo, emocije in svobodomiselnost, kar je ustvarilo prijetno vzdušje vredno poslušanja.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - pogovor


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

RADIO Si Main Stage Lamai & Bort Ross - koncert (video)


Serija gostovanj izbranih slovenskih bendov na Radio Si Main Stage.

Radio Si Offstage Einschlog


V OFFSTAGE tokrat gostimo pomurski heavy rock/metal trio EINSCHLOG. Vabljeni k poslušanju in deljenju vsebine! Glasba v oddaji je uporabljena z izrecnim dovoljenjem avtorjev.


Winter holidays begin for eastern Slovenia

Children from the eastern part of Slovenia have started their week-long winter holidays today.

In Ljubljana beginnt das 19. Bergfilmfestival

Heute Abend beginnt in Ljubljana das 19. Bergfilmfestival. Zum Auftakt gibt es ein besonderes Highlight: ein Filmporträt über die legendäre Himalaya-Bergsteigerin Wanda Rutkiewicz, eine der größten Alpinistinnen aller Zeiten.

19th Mountain Film Festival opens in Ljubljana

The 19th Mountain Film Festival is opening in Ljubljana's Cankarjev dom today.

Nika Prevc Wins Again in Ljubno ob Savinji

The 19-year old from Kranj leapt to victory in front of around 5,500 spectators and a sea of Slovenian flags for her second win of the weekend. It was the 9th victory of the season for the defending world champion and the 16th of her career so far.

Domen 3rd in Sapporo, Nika takes gold in Ljubno

Ski jumper Domen Prevc 3rd in the ski jumping World Cup in Japan, while Nika Prevc took gold in Ljubno.

Ljubno hosting best women ski jumpers this weekend

Thousands of ski jumping fans are expected in Ljubno this weekend.

Nika Prevc dominiert in Ljubno

Die Weltcup-Führende gewann die heute Qualifikation klar vor dem deutschen Duo Schmid und Freitag.

Laptop scheme to end

The controversial program is coming to an end.

Olimpija und Celje heute im Conference League Play-Off

Die Rückspiele finden kommenden Donnerstag statt

Prison officers to stage 1-hour protest on Thursday

Prison officers in Slovenia will stage a protest tomorrow over staffing shortages, overcrowding and the new public sector pay system irregularities.

MENT festival begins

The festival will run until Saturday.

On this day

18 February

In 1546 Martin Luther dies. Luther was the founder of Protestantism in Germany and one of the leaders of the Reformation.


News English at 19:00

President Pirc Musar criticizes emergency EU meeting / Mountain Film Festival opens in Ljubljana / Winter holidays begin for eastern Slovenia

News Deutsch um 18:00

EU-Sondertreffen bei Macron // Festival der Bergfilme startet in Ljubljana

News Deutsch um 14. 00

In Ljubljana beginnt das 19. Bergfilmfestival // Winterferien für Schüler aus dem Osten Sloweniens

News English at 13:00

61st Munich Security Conference wrapps up / New shooting in Brussels leaves 1 dead / Around 122,400 students from eastern Slovenia on winter vacation

Spotlight Information Days 2025

High schools and faculties around the country held their annual open doors days for future students. In the next school year Slovenia's high school will have 26.008 openings. Meanwhile, Slovenia's universities will accept 20.442 new students, while other higher education institutions will have around 12.000 available spots. Photo: BoBo

Izluščeno Kaj narediti z odvečnimi oblačili?

Ob prihodu pomladi bomo znova zamenjali garderobo, a preden nam zadišijo nova oblačila, se vprašajmo, ali jih res potrebujemo. Obstajajo pa tudi trajnostni in okolju prijazni načini izmenjave oblačil. FOTO: Pixabay

News English at 8:00

US and Russia prepare for Saudi talks on Ukraine war / Austria attack that killed teen linked to IS, officials say / Rally against Germany's resurgent far right draws thousands in Berlin

News English News at 7 p.m. - Sunday 16.2.

The news headlines are as follows: - Nika Prevc wins again in Ljubno ob Savinji - Snowboarder Žan Košir victorious in Canada - Knife attack in Villach yesterday - officials release more details - European leaders to meet in Paris tomorrow to discuss Ukraine - BAFTA Awards take place in London this evening.

News Deutsch Um 18: 00

Demo gegen Rechts in Berlin // Morgen: Gipfelttreffenwegen Ukraine in Paris

News Deutsch Um 14:00

Messerangriff in Villach ein Toter // Nika Prevc gewinnt

News English at 13.00

- Nika Prevc strong in Ljubno - EU leaders to have extraordinary summit on Ukraine - First anniversary of Navalny's death

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